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Dermaplaning … Will my hair grow back thicker?

Posted by Colleen Cartier, MN, NP on 20 December 2021
Dermaplaning … Will my hair grow back thicker?

Will my hair grow back thicker after dermaplaning - the answer is no. 

Vellus hair is the "peach fuzz" that appears translucent, and soft on the face.  While its purpose is to thermally protect the body by insulating and cooling through perspriation, it is okay to remove facial vellus ahir.  This technique helps to exfoliate our skin.  Without the removal, a build up can occur, causing oil and grime to clog pores.  

Dermaplaning has become one of the most popular spa treatments, mostly because you can add it to just about any other treatment or on its own and has no down time!  It pairs well with our AlumierMD chemical peels.  Your skin will have a smoother texture and appear more radiant.  Skin care products will absorb better

What to expect 

Dermaplaning uses a special tool to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. You may feel warmer after, almost like a slight sunburn.  Following the treatment it is important to use a gentle cleanser, moisturize and apply SPF.

Dermaplaning is not able to be done on active acne.  

After dermaplaning, it is important to avoid any products with exfoliating agents such as retinol, salicylic, glycolic. Avoid heat for 12 hours afterwards which includes vigorous exercise.

Contact us today for a consultation!  Your skin will love it :)

(587) 489-3747 to book an appointment. 

Enhanced Medical Aesthetics - St. Albert

Author:Colleen Cartier, MN, NP
About: Owner of Enhanced Medical Aesthetics

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