Enhanced Medical Aesthetics Latest News

Keep up to date and informed on the latest in the medical aesthetics industry. Many answers to your questions can be found in our blog posts.

What are the benefits of microneedling?
1 March 2021
As we age and are exposed to environmental elements, many things can influence our skin’s appearance.  Acne scarring that may have started in our teen years can be a daily reminder of how our skin’s appearance has changed and is left with an uneven texture.  As much fun as it is to enjoy the warm weather and being outside, sun damage and hyperpigmention will leave our skin tone uneven.  Finally, fine lines and wrinkles may show our aging process. Will microneedling...
What is the difference between botox & dermal fillers?
12 January 2021
What is the difference between Botox® and dermal fillers? With all the advances in cosmetics, how do you know which product will give you the benefit you are desiring? The mechanism of action for botulinum toxin (Botox®/Dysport®) works differently than that of a dermal filler. Botulinum toxins are injected into the muscles of your face to relax and create a smoother appearance. We are not trying to “paralyze” these muscles nor are we trying to inject into the wrinkle to...

Let Enhanced Medical Aesthetics Enhance Your Confidence Through Transformative Beauty and Skin Treatments

Enhanced Medical Aesthetics is a professional medical spa in Edmonton. We're ready to enhance your confidence through transformative beauty and skin treatments. If you have questions about conditions and treatments, please contact us — we're happy to help!
"I believe that everyone is naturally beautiful and unique in their own way and also understand that most people have insecurities that can hold them back in their life. Our mantra at Enhanced Medical Aesthetics is to enhance your natural beauty and to give you the confidence that you need and deserve in a relaxing setting. With over a decade in nursing experience, we're comfortable addressing your concerns and making a plan that suits your needs. Book a free consultation to see how we can help you feel relaxed and refreshed."

Colleen Cartier, MN, NP
- Colleen Cartier, MN, NP
Owner of Enhanced Medical Aesthetics

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